Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Analysis: Delicate in health of whole of profit margin of company of domestic medical devices

Basic Medical Pathology: Neoplasis I

"To 2020, industry of our country medical devices or the scale that will attain 1 trillion yuan of RMBs. " Wang Hong of director of center of development of Chinese biology technology is wide express on exposition of medical devices of the 64th China International.

"Come nearly 5 years especially in recent years, industry of domestic medical devices obtained relatively rapid development, but domestic production company is much smaller messy situation still has no essential sex to change. " expert attending the meeting is evaluated so.

As we have learned, 2002 ~ 2004, the country uses national debt capital to throw item of 35 medical devices, gross amounts to 300 million yuan; 2006 ~ 2008, plan of the project of national science and technology that prop up, " 863 " the plan throws scientific research funds to make an appointment with 270 million yuan in domain of medical devices. " medical economy signs up for " the reporter understands in interview, the personage inside most course of study thinks, the country still should continue to increase the investment strength of industries of pair of medical devices, the industry that builds a standard, health with international difference to narrow grows an environment.

Native land and strong brand is rare be short of

Data shows, up to by 2008, the whole nation has medical devices actually to produce a business 13141; Among them, instrument of a kind of cure has 3368, instrument of 2 kinds of cure has 7533, instrument of 3 kinds of cure has 2240. Besides medical devices of a few high end, home can produce needs great majority medical devices basically.

However, "Equipment of Chinese brand medical treatment and company are too little. " Chen Yazhu of director of institute of instrument of medicine of biology of university of traffic of academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Shanghai plaints so.

Current, big company of each country medical devices market of gaze at China, base of a sale, production, research and development is built in Chinese mainland, realized global mainland to change, strategy of native land globalization. The brand such as riverside of GE, Xi Menzi, flying benefit has held our country to digitlize medical treatment equipment the market dimensions of 80% above.

Chen Yazhu with medical analytic instrument is exemple listed a few numbers: In prep above of only station price 100 thousand yuan domain, 99% what import biochemical analyzer to take capacity of aircraft of domestic general assembly; 100% what import immune analyzer to take capacity of aircraft of domestic general assembly; 100% what import haemal analyzer to take capacity of aircraft of domestic general assembly; And even if in this kinds of product under 100 thousand yuan article compasses, entrance product still has the 8 installed capacity that become above.

According to data of Chinese custom statistic, this year first half of the year, our country medical devices imports the forehead to reach 3.515 billion dollar, become the entrance that diagnoses the high-end medical devices such as equipment like line of device, X to appliance of embedded type orthopaedic, nuclear magnetic resonance growth is apparent. Nuclear magnetic resonance is become wait for an entrance to all exceed 100 million dollar like appearance of examination of fault of ray of device, X, entrance forehead is rising with two digit amplitude.

The corresponding period, our country medical devices exports the forehead to be 6.573 billion dollar, but in before exporting a rank 10 enterprise, foreign capital and joint ventures have 7. From whole export business form look, foreign capital and joint ventures are the main force that domestic medical devices exports. And enterprise of domestic medical devices still with " bandage of absorbent cotton gauze " , " the needle is provided, tracheal, spile " , " massage appliance " wait for product of division of low technology content, low exit is given priority to.

The bad-mouth that low end of home made product changes

"The large company that cross a state can take out abroad the one fraction of profit will throw research and development, and domestic company itself has only ‘ a bowl of water ‘ , research and development of a product wants to drop most bowl spray, how is this likely? " the reason that lags behind about development of estate of our country medical devices, chen Yazhu used a rhetorical question to answer back and forth.

"Net profit is too small, the enterprise throws research and development of equipment of large high end without sufficient financing. And do not have high-end equipment prop up, bring usury profit very hard. " the personage inside course of study expresses, product low end, coessential change bring about the main reason with low profit of company of medical devices badly.

Actually, net profit is small already was current the common fault of company of domestic medical devices, even if the company of a few medical devices that has appeared on the market is not exceptional also.

The data that according to appearing on the market annals showed the company 2009, net last year profit margin is medical treatment of in relief general 19% , ophthalmology love Er is 15% . And in in the fish dive medical treatment that platelet appears on the market, 9 install medical treatment and division Hua Hengcheng to also be achieved respectively only 19% , 12% with 15% ; Rate of integral net profit all is less than 20% .

The reporter exhibits meeting site to see in exposition of instrument of cure of the 64th international, some DR of homebred 200mA (ray of direct digitlization X is video system) hit " rise 398 thousand yuan " catchphrase. As we have learned, 10 thousand east, east soft, medium Kemeilun, fish dive, An Jian, La Yun, Heng Ruimei is couplet, Pu Lang, new China waited for the ten home company with differ size to all roll out DR, along with configuration different price goes to 10 thousand yuan about a hundred to differ in hundred thousands of yuan, and entrance DR price is 3 million ~ about 4 million yuan.

Regard high end as medical devices, DR lets a hundred flowers blossom quickly make the personage inside course of study open-eyed, but they still cherish cautious attitude to this: "Roll out a new product, cannot pass how long, have a lot of entrant very quickly, the price also is pulled very quickly subsequently. The price also is pulled very quickly subsequently..

1 trillion how to come true

Although industry of domestic medical devices exists to did not form the inferior position such as camp of forestall of market of dimensions benefit, foreign enterprise, new and high technology, but the addition that expands of market demand to support strength with the government ceaselessly, still can create favorable opportunity for industry of domestic medical devices.

Science and education of Ministry of Public Health manages director He Wei expresses, the government increased pair of biology medicine properties that include medical devices inside in recent years give aid to strength, will breed and as the strategy burgeoning industry develops, property of domestic medical devices is current should low end product scale of production is changed, intensive is changed, be in in the course that the technology takes to add market strategy on upright product, and choose to produce to high-end product learn to grind course of confluence of allied, the army and the people, may win by striking only after the enemy had struck.

Be based on the market dimensions that at present domestic medical devices controls 200 billion yuan, wang Hong is wide think, want to achieve the industrial ideal of 1 trillion to still need many sided hard.

Wang Hong is wide suggest industry of domestic medical devices puts evolution in precautionary health care mainly from this kind, diagnose detect kind, remedial operation kind, rehabilitation kind, medical information kind wait for a respect, in the meantime, should drive industry of medical devices to realize a technology to span type develops, this can divide a pace to go -- the first pace accumulates level for the technology, strive to 2015 total production value 500 billion yuan; The 2nd pace rises abruptly for the industry level, to 2020 the industry is achieved 1 trillion; The 3rd pace develops level to last.

"The biggest question is system. " the main reason that Chen Yazhu thinks industry of domestic medical treatment is lagging still depends on system. The government ought to solve the manner of the problem with the help nowadays, increase the support of own to medical devices innovation, enterprise and college research organization also should transform idea, distinguish respective duty, in order to come true double win. (reporter Li Yao)

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