1, the branch that the organization applies for to purchase in structural hospital is the person that use section office perhaps uses; Application means has oral demand or written show narrate, fill in purchase application. Decision-making branch is a dean (dean of be assigned personal responsibility for) or the dean is met. Executive branch is appliance division, minority is him section office is purchased, render an account to appliance division.
2, purchase a program
Medical devices purchases easy cost of 2.1 low costs bad news material is purchased, to the bad news material that using, use person makes a plan, the newspaper gives appliance family (place or equipment division / place, division of appliance of the following abbreviation) purchase. If the bad news material of other brand is entered, need makes choose and employ persons suggests, use person is in section office leader to agree, the newspaper perhaps reports to appliance division over there the dean, after be being approved by the dean, small lot purchases try out.
The small device that 2.2 convention use is purchased (10 thousand yuan of the following equipment) do by section office use up a plan, cable equipment division is purchased.
Of 2.3 large facility purchase (every hospital, different to the demarcate of large facility, our instrument belongs to large facility sphere. )
Basic course is: Section office director needs according to what clinical diagnostic cure and section office manage, undertake prove and making a plan to new project, judge clinical value and economic value; Payoff is economy and clinical value and section office whether develop this project. The salesperson must conduct relevant content to the director, help a director make a sound plan. If division director thinks to go up,this project can be obtained clinical with economic value, approve your company viewpoint of value and service, and the accredit to your individual and approbate, can fill in according to the program application buys a list, give appliance family (special situation is to hand dean) ; After perhaps be being communicated with the dean first, obtain a license to just write application. Hospital foundation purchases a plan in those days, according to groovy processing; Perhaps work according to yours strength, undertake corresponding processing. Be approved by the dean or purchase after doing approval, hand in appliance division to purchase. Appliance section chief can choose according to product situation or much home supplier undertakes for many times negotiating. What do like the job is good, be met very quickly and dean or hospital negotiation committee undertake negotiating, decide contract details. Still have a case, the fund that uses other approach when the hospital will buy, can offer the item to the unit of contributive gold or organization, negotiate by they and supplier. For instance the government allocates funds, foreign government or society are donated, enterprise hospital allocates funds by upper section, still have a lot of foreign government loan. The time becoming sheet that different financing source decides you and means and return a money. 2, the fundamental pattern of the sale: 1. Block diagram
2. Measure one: The director is visited
2. 1 undertake visitting in the light of director of clinical section office above all. OK in visit beforehand collect data is visited; Also can visit directly to the director, obtain first-hand data. 2. 2 visit a director to will take up our major working hours, be successive visit for many times. In a planned way wants in visit, have specific aim undertake, want to control good rhythm. Visit every time come back to want to make good record, the plan that good Bencibai seeks and preparation should be made according to visitting a record last time before be being visited every time.
2. 3 the first phase visits the director‘s purpose:
1) individual of the member that introduce product, service, company and sale to him;
2) the data of the relevant process that understands a hospital and regulation and chairman individual;
3) the factor that affects succeeding activity.
The 2nd phase visits the director‘s purpose:
1) bill of lading is visited;
2) specific details is engineered and talk things over;
3) help director is written buy application report;
4) listen to its to be opposite from the back the habitual practice of working proposal and relevant leader.
The 3rd phase is visited; After application report hands over dean or appliance inflict, although work of the first phases ends, but not OK carelessness. This moment should ensure director and you are a battlefront, competitor of collective beat back and hospital are decision-making layer, respect and be being communicated necessarily so often undertake. If invite public bidding, the director will be assumed the introduction in reviewing bid and decision-making, because the job of this director is,should be done from beginning to end. Although the contract clinchs a deal, carry out hind also visits a head even, let him make the window of a conduct propaganda. Division director is the person that gets the door, the effect of 30-50% is taken in the sale.
3. Measure 2: The dean is visited
3. 1 dean or dean of be assigned personal responsibility for, have final decision making authority to buying medical devices. Accordingly, the director‘s report arrives here, needed those who begin a dean to visit. Actually before also can contact with the dean, make a call beforehand, can be from the back visit matting. Here has a trap, can produce beyond recall failure carelessly a bit. Some hospitals have dean of be assigned personal responsibility for, but dean of be assigned personal responsibility for can become independent decision-making it is we must want before visitting a dean from the director over there or obtain over there equipment division. If dean of be assigned personal responsibility for cannot was in charge of and visit, so the project that the dean kills you because of the individual‘s element likely. If the dean no matter and or slightly dean of be assigned personal responsibility for, you also can fail. After the information with accurate know, the angle that talks with the dean is can achieve how many beneficial result from this project, when can reclaim cost, gain profit how many? After these content says, a few individual demand offer need explore ask clear executable program. The dean is general very busy, the word wants chastening, the business should have been done. The dean has done these works in the effect that 40-50% takes in the sale, the dean can indicate appliance division to was contacted with you.
4. Measure 3: Appliance section chief is visited
In whole segment, the force of appliance section chief appears some punier. But appliance section chief cannot accomplish sth can ruin sth however, even the evildoing of 100% perhaps kills the price to perhaps want the create difficulties for sb such as the service. This segment is very so important. Appliance section chief wants the aptitude of instrument of examine and verify above all, all file material should be pressed " medical devices monitors regulation " of the regulation hand over. Appliance section chief is in charge of business affairs negotiation, he may not know a machine, but know business affairs to ask to serve a clause to wait, the service acceptance that the member that sell unites completely according to the company undertakes stating, special requirement leads a decision by the company. Appliance section chief is in charge of talking about the price, but what he talks about not be final price; A lot of deans can insert price negotiation finally, need gives a dean outer part. The member that sell should make the plan of good value gradient, want to had been performed again, want to become state of ask for instructions more. The detail such as the contract wants appliance section chief to go to those who fulfil checking. So need does the work of good section chief ahead of schedule. Outfit machine is checked and accept and returning a money also is by appliance the section chief is in charge of. Be in whole in visitting a process, want same respect to the section chief, must not take a director or the dean goes pressing a section chief. The relation of section chief and dean is different from general, there is decanal news over there the section chief; The section chief knows every bill how make it, if he helps you,you can succeed. The section chief takes the effect of 20% in whole sale. Occupy below special situation 50% . 3, the constitution in selling the work: 1. Sell the reasonable allocation that be you and client interest, strive for an interest the biggest change.
2. Client and client interest are valued from beginning to end in selling a process
3. Sale process needs be practical and realistic
4. The sale is the individual below efforts of a group responsible
5. The value that expresses a company, service and acceptance are united in selling a process
6. Sale of medical devices is the long Cheng Bai that the individual gives priority to is visited, need " careful alone " and dedicated, win client respect.
7. The relevant agreement of the company. 4, the technical ability that must have and qualityThe sell member of 1. major is not best certainly, but the best member that sell is certain and professional.
2. frank fact is an upright person, sureness does a business. The client that we contact besides more defective than us on product knowledge, other side may be higher than us. No matter director, dean or equipment section chief, they had contacted many business personnel, experienced and knowledgeable, petty action is discovered easily and lose their esteem and faith. My individual opinion is to return Piao Guizhen.
3. holds to and serious, the action that becomes you behaved you to be mixed to the accredit of own product serious, the other side just also can rise seriously. Your self-confidence can bring a profit to the other side, the other side also can get your infection. Hold to ability to succeed only.
The professional behavior that 4. sells: Those who include the formal, consecution sex that does a business, conversation is rigorous wait with tack.
5. carries out the company‘s decision-making manner. It is OK to have doubt conflict, discuss, but need executive work or should finish.
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