Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Happy general medical treatment: Build on the express of market of medical devices

Tribute to Emergency Medical Services

Sea leaving the United States puts in Pu Zhongjie ‘s charge to appear to be in the office rarely, I ever called its company telephone exchange 3 days continuously with the friend‘s name, answer is same: The manager is not in a company today. I think the reason does not have 2: Really very busy, do not have company; these days by chance or outside busy move does poineering work board thing. Enlist the limited company of Beijing Le Pu medical devices that establish to Pu Zhongjie and him, outside report is very little, mystery is their pronoun. To understand this individual and Le Pu better, the person that I found another to accept media to interview rarely in recent years -- American Hua Ping invests group president Sun Jiang. Raise VC one by one only as what introduce till happy general medical treatment is current, hua Ping provides right to speak most undoubtedly. To my problem, sun Jiang‘s answer exceptionally candid: "I most those who value is Le Pu they this group. "I most those who value is Le Pu they this group.. Pu Zhongjie, 45 years old, material learns a doctor, take learned man of beautiful return to one‘s country. Introduced a talent to work to Florida international university as American government 1992, be hired to be a researcher, pursue the research of the bracket inside human body conduit and design for a long time. Sun Jiang people excited place depends on, happy general medical treatment is home in the person of the same trade the first obtains national medicines and chemical reagents to supervise bracket of management board coronary artery to register the business of approval, also be the first company of domestic that acquires patent of medicaments coating bracket. The logic that gives out with general VC is different, the medical treatment that Sun Jiang is in Le Pu intervenes product (the pharmaceuticals equipment that basically supplies support operation place to need) the market puts the 2nd in what evaluate. The dimensions of market of this and this fractionize is concerned. Market of current domestic medicaments bracket, ranking first is Shanghai small achieve. 2008, its sales revenue 490 million, own the share of native land market of 25% . That is to say, the total dimensions of native land market does not pass 2 billion. Happy general medical treatment achieved sales revenue 2008 445 million yuan, implementation net profit 200 million yuan, belong to the second inside course of study. Although market scale is not at present large, but this is a fractionize market that has growth sex extremely, annual increase rate is achieved 15% . "Enterprise of domestic medical devices has the following feature basically, father is the technology sends the sea to return mostly, in Euramerican had had study abroad and working experience, go back to the motherland after doing poineering work, duplicate product mode of the west come over, drive a new market. " a personage inside course of study tells me, "Spoken parts in an opera, this industry joins western market and company very easily car. This industry joins western market and company very easily car.. This also is the advantage place of posture of industry of medical treatment equipment to biology medicine industry. Compare with photograph of medicines and chemical reagents, medical the instrument produces a year of time to be able to take testimony, and medicines and chemical reagents examines and approve need 3~5 year. Company of equipment of a medical treatment from do not have have, arrive as a child big, time does not pass the left and right sides 5 years, as periodic as the investment that invests fund roughly be identical. And to pharmacy business, this cycle wants above 10 years at least. To " seize every minute " for VC too too endless. On charge of research and development, the devoted cost of biology medicine enterprise also should compare tower above of industry of medical devices a lot of, "Go up at every turn 100 million " , the personage inside a:appellant course of study says. And up to to July 2007, research and development of happy general iatrical throws accumulative total to be 15 million yuan of RMB. This ability is Hua Ping value key of happy general iatrical to nod. Nevertheless, market of intervening product of Chinese whole medical treatment is at present main still by forestall of transnational corporation place. "This domestic line of business has go regular, while transnational corporation is selling a hospital medical devices, the assistance that can not poor to hospital brushstroke is expended, this is equal to formed an aeriform competitive doorsill. Like Le Pu this kind establishs the company with not long time, which may have abundant financing to do these businesses. " the personage inside afore-mentioned course of study says.

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