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(One) diagnostic appliance........................
[1] , fish jumps medical treatment.: The stethoscopic, tonometer, equipment that feed oxygen, dynamoelectric attract implement
It is home the biggest rehabilitation nurses and medical the major of medical devices of the series that feed oxygen produces a business, manufacturing product adds up to 225 36 breed, norms, it is one of companies with the richest variety of the product in company of production of industry of domestic person of the same trade. This company is held to make the concept that makes choice only, strive before every main product accomplishs a trade 3, at present before the company 6 old products have the opportunity that make oxygen, super- slight oxygen valve, atomizer, tonometer, stethoscopic the market share of 5 products reachs home the first, the market share home of wheelchair car the 2nd. Production of product of two old series involves the company nicety is made and Electromechanical unifinication is made, main production facilities and ministry billabong waterline are OK and common. ..................................
[2] , 10 thousand east medical treatment.: Medical machine of X ray machine, ray of movable type X, oral cavity treats appearance integratedly
Medical X ray machine is a company advocate the main source of business Wu income and profit, although the company is medical,X ray machine is in home market portion the first, but face increasingly intense market competition, especially tycoon of foreign medical devices, wait like Xi Menzi of American GE company, Germany join, the company profits originally the market that the product of medium, high end with stronger capability is like machine of ray of high frequency X is perpetual by the transnational corporation with abundant actual strength " nibble " , bring about company wool interest rate to drop compared to the same period 9.6 % . At present company product basically is centered at in low end the market, medical X ray machine is hospital of each basic level necessary equipment. .......
[3] , new China medical treatment.: Facilities of sterilization of X ray machine, disinfection, clean appliance of alexipharmic machine, operation
The company is our country development of the biggest alexipharmic sterilization equipment produces base, also be domestic production the enterprise with most breed of radiative treatment facilities, main product has alexipharmic sterilization facility, radiative treatment facilities, already developed at present become home to the oldest infection control equipment and research of radiative treatment facilities are designed and create base. ..........................................
[4] , east soft share.: Medical and video equipment
The company accuses a Shenyang of 67% east soft, it is our country has light of X of resonance of CT, magnetism, number exclusively at the same time extra fine of machine, colour is total 4 big hi-tech are video the enterprise of equipment. East soft share developed successful our country 1997 the first medical systemic CT, successful in April 2000 development goes helix CT and obtain attestation of CE of ISO9001, Europe and American FDA attestation early or late, and early or late congener product of 5 fill country is blank, the product amounts to 7 large category nearly 30 breed, resonance of open mode magnetism and CT home market portion already lived apart the first mix the 2nd. Business of equipment of digital medical treatment has been become east the income source with soft the mainest share.
[Medical treatment of 5] , happy general.: Cardiovascular radiography equipment
The company bought the rest of the sail that defend gold 63.15% equity, it is intended enter radiography machine industry in the round, the sale that drives bad news capable person with radiography machine increases. The company already built a support, bad news material, with the PCI product combination of equipment, become a heart to join solution provider of cure slowly, the product sale of each PCI link will drive the addition of the sale each other. Current, market of cardiovascular radiography equipment still is in development period in our country. Wei Jinfan is one of this product country‘s only 3 production business, have both research design actual strength and famous degree, market prospect is bright.
Note: Cardiovascular radiography art is to will contain an organic compound to play transparent radiography agent in X line illuminate fast infuse blood stream, make heart and big hemal pitch issue develop in X line illuminate, photograph quickly from time to tome together piece, the method such as TV photography or video tape recording, film the develop process of heart and big hemal pitch come down, the result from develop can see the haemal flow that contains radiography agent is ordinal, and state of plentiful of heart old blood vessel, the physiology that understands heart and old blood vessel thereby and anatomical change. It is the method with a kind of very valuable diagnostic heart ill blood-vessel, misshape to complex heart and vessels especially or be being diagnosed is indispensable more.
[Medical treatment of 6] , in relief general.: The 3rd generation adopts hematic system for nothing really
Company major servicing is to be clinical examine lab and clinical nurse offer it is Wu of kimono of the technology that rely on, product with professional solution. The 3rd acting true empty system that collect blood basically uses main product at haemal sample to collect, pretreatment and control of the mutation before the specimen is analysed, the mutation before its specimen is analysed controls a technology to be in leading position in home. Design of successful already research, production and place goods on trial sale are microbial mop child, diagnose outside body the reagent, belt that press arteries and veins, full automatic vacuum collects blood-vessel to take off lid machine to wait clinical examine lab and clinical nurse trade series product.
[7] , 9 install medical treatment.: Measuring instrument of Wen Yi, blood sugar is measured to wait outside thermometer of electronic tonometer, electron, Yuan GongThe company is the professional manufacturer that is engaged in production of product of electron of health of family expenses medical treatment, outside studying design, production, home, collect is sold at an organic whole, the physiology such as measuring instrument of Wen Yi, blood sugar is measured outside popularizing thermometer of include electron tonometer, electron, Yuan Gong successfully appearance heats outside appearance of parameter test instrument and appearance of low frequency cure, cure of multichannel low frequency, Yuan Gong, hold massage ceremony etc. Regard highly of medical treatment appearance should be had related the company is occupational whole world HHCE rate, only a sheet tastes electronic tonometer to already entered the world. ......................................(2) remedial appliance........................................
[Science and technology of 1] , big constant
: Three-dimensional and stereo directional comfortable form and tone put cure system by force (3DCRT, IMRT) and system of plan of three-dimensional and radiative treatment (3DTPS)
What one running water makes the same score international is have in equipment of company medical treatment " systemic tumour is three-dimensional and stereo directional comfortable form and tone put cure system by force (3DCRT, IMRT) " and " three-dimensional and radiative cure plans a system (3DTPS) and technology of human body of digitlization empty preparation (VHP) " it is the unit of large omnibus medical treatment that processes computer technology, image be in harmony of facilities of technology, radiative treatment to be an organic whole. Systematic whole function provides international banner level, because the product has unquestionable technical level advantage, already equiped now more than 200 famous hospital of countrywide, home market portion the first. One of projects of smooth Electromechanical unifinication of the company intelligent medical devices and diagnostic software product have absolutely forestall place on domestic congener market, have all core intellectual property, average profit margin can amount to 30% above. .......
(3) business of appliance imports and exports
[Medicine of 1] , China.: The product exports more than 40 nations, core product involves 10 trades
Exit of company medical devices is equipment of business include hospital, medical devices, one-time medical the exit of running stores; The product exports more than 40 nations, core product involves 10 trades, include hospital equipment, lab equipment, diagnostic appliance, operation appliance, inject acupuncture appliance, balata is plastic and medical material of goods, dentistry and equipment, gauze and spin goods, medical product of adhesive plaster series and series do not have the product that spin cloth to wait. The entrance of the equipment of large medical treatment that imports well-known trademark of marketing include abroad and material of relevant bad news reachs marketing. Acting business devotes oneself to to offer include to import plan of representative, sale, storage for domestic and international client content shedding, fittings is supplied and the technology serves those who wait for content is all-around integrated service. The company accuses a subsidiary Beijing beauty of 60% limited company of science and technology of Kang Baitai medicine basically acts as agent Er of American Beckman library is special limited company product, series of analyzer of the cell that be like blood, cruor analyzer series, immunity diagnostic series, biochemistry / series of specific protein appearance. Its sell a network to enclothe Beijing, Heibei, Henan client of terminal of hundreds of hospitals. ..............Beijing Langfang friend is added 1002920183 or 694725045. Small commission of the negotiable securities that bring a letter is dealt with innocently not faze 13731633508
Medical board piece in Http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_5e2538f30100khbr.html of characteristic medicine general view
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