Monday, December 13, 2010

The path of sale of brand of family expenses medical devices (5) 5, brand of family expenses medical devices

Judge Jim Gray Part 3: Medical Marijuana

The path of sale of brand of family expenses medical devices (5) 5, sale of brand of family expenses medical devices is common error

Wang Chunfeng

Speak of a brand to appear everybody knows to understand, not be completely actually such. A lot of people are embracing wrong understanding to have brand sale. Domain of family expenses medical devices, the commonnest the error has 3 old wrong ideas 8 mistakes are run.

3 old wrong ideas are:

One, the product is good brand very

Light has good product, just have brand core value one part. Pure quality is good also be not even if the product is good. Good product is the mainest is to should have exact effect, satisfy the need is saleable even in the meantime, can satisfy market demand, accord with a client to consume psychology. Besides product itself, reasonable price, easy medium of communication, excellent service also is place of a good brand is necessary. Had contain Troy, carry strong communication and transmission even, ability makes right brand. The lock was not known in boudoir person, wine is sweet also be afraid of alley child deep, the times with superfluous nowadays information, wait for windfalls cannot make a brand.

2, fame is good brand greatly

Belief of a lot of companies makes a plan, advertise, the hope promotes quickly through building momentum greatly famous degree, think this can make a brand. The brand that actually they understand is only so called " famous brand " . This kind of famous brand has only brief temporarily famous degree, and devoid acknowledge is spent, beautiful praise spend He Zhongcheng, contained Troy to also be done not have even.

3, sales volume is good brand greatly

Reputation of many family expenses medical devices are not big, but sell actually however perfectly, somebody thinks this is a brand. Actually, the matter that makes sales volume is very much, be not have brand sale only a road, among them many it is short-term action. And achievement brand has a way only however, that tries hard indefatigably continuously namely. If do not want to do long, do not want excessive to talk about a brand. The meaning of the brand depends on carrying a product abiding vitality, cost is reduced in be run for a long time, increase sales volume.

8 mistakes run is:

One, the only index that regards a brand as sale with sales volume

Sales volume of product of a little high value actually not big, but still be a brand, the key depends on his having very high brand value. Brand sale should make brand value above all, it is pursuit brand effect next, final ability is promotion sales volume, and the promotion of sales volume is result of brand sale naturally only, the target with initial and rather than. If take the branch for the root, eager for quick success and instant benefit, can ill-natured brand.

2, pure depend on draft plan to advertise make a brand

Concoctive advertisement can rise quickly only famous degree, but should raise the United States praise degree, acknowledge spends He Zhongcheng, increase a brand to contain Troy, must try hard indefatigably continuously through serious sureness. Good brand has quality, those who have a service, those who have grade, those who have sincerity, have affective, literate, of corporeal elephant, effectual, individualize, those who have the capacity, invigorative, those who have a concept.

3, with substitute of name of registered trade mark the card is built

Many companies believe design a beautiful product external form, a good visual sense identifies a system, register trademark end, with respect to everything is just fine. The product of a specious outwardly strong and inwardly weak, cannot make a brand. Its truth and in front same. Brand just belongs to manufacturer, and the brand just belongs to a client.

4, emphasize product quality ignoring convenience service only

A good brand cannot stay and contented product quality is excellent, effect is distinct, still should provide convenience service for the client. Should accomplish buy easily, yi Xiu, change easily, accomplish even teach easily, learn easily, use easily. Want to stand in client angle to consider an issue from beginning to end, want to think of a client one year 365 days, , southeast northwest extend in all directions, why should he spend money to take time, come round to buy and use a product, and do not go becoming other issue, buy other goods.

5, assertive actual strength and despise communication transmission

Some companies think the technology is banner market pioneer, the client is met certainly show respect for, actually off base, one‘s own wishful thinking. Today‘s client optional leeway is too much, choose to have no way more cannot definitely choose. If do not pass strong brand to communicate transmission, let a client know you " distinctive sale advocates " , again good product also can wait for word boudoir only in. Once miss market opportunity, come again the brand is run also of no help.

6, run the brand be out of line with other link photograph

The core content that the brand runs is to communicate with transmission, but must with market survey, research and development, make, the each link photograph such as service, channel, price, sales promotion joins match. Alleged and integrated sale travels, it is to communicate the conformity between transmission method to coordinate not just, also want as shirt-sleeve as other link photograph. It is mirage otherwise, the garden in sky, the month in water, the flower in lens. Brand value must implement client increase finally. The company does not believe established brand manager to finish sth, should carry out brand sale the enterprise to work each respects.

7, excessive brand is outspread reach optional change figure

Brand sale needs patience. The first should stand fast, the 2nd want to hold to, the 3rd want sturdy. Stand fast even if want to defend brand core value, excessive brand is outspread often create core value faintness, disorder or conflict. Hold to even if should last indefatigable effort, do not change at will fluctuant. When face all sorts of temptation sturdily namely or be being blamed, want to be able to have a common heart, maintain the belief to the brand and persistence, do not beg perfect, but Qiu Yongheng.

8, cannot with when all is entered retain brand innovation vigor

No matter be professional brand, industry brand still is fashionable brand, must with when all is entered, comply with tide, ability maintains him to be in the lead position of professional, industry, fashionable domain. Innovation is not the change discards original core value, also not be optional and outspread brand and change figure, hold lead position place from beginning to end however must. Because major is developing, the industry is in expand, vogue is changing. Brand sale should have patience already, also want to have innovation. Firm condition is self-given, eat ancestor meal, in domain of family expenses medical devices be impossible.

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