Friday, December 24, 2010

China International medical devices (Shandong) exposition

Ali G - Medical Ethics

By the whole nation government of people of city of association of wholesome property business management, Jinan, Shandong saves cure society and China International commerce to promote committee Shandong to save branch to be sponsorred jointly 2010 medical devices of the 24th China International (Shandong) exposition (autumn) and, beijing numerous benefit and the medical instrument that health science and technology develops limited company to carry a series of company international to precede attend this second exhibit meeting, the French eagle of my company between meeting exhibition period performs system of scanning of health of DDFAO whole body, korea glad points to analyzer of rich spirit pressure, holand AGEs candy base change eventually the product such as child detector is paid close attention to extensively, hospital of Shandong university Qi Lu, shandong provincial hospital each expert of large hospital and agency of medical devices are exhibited to my company look around, negotiate cooperative matters concerned.

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