Dina Martina - Medical College Commercial
..Concern the provision of legal laws and regulations according to our country, advertisement of medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices, health food must supervise management department to examine via provincial food medicines and chemical reagents before release. After examining approval, send advertisement to approve article order. When advertisement is being released, must indicate the signal of advertisement approval article that nucleus of supervisory management department of food medicines and chemical reagents sends.
..Did not obtain advertisement to approve advertisement of the medicines and chemical reagents of article date, medical devices, health food to must not be released.
..2, how to identify medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices and health food advertisement to approve article date and period of efficacy?
..Advertisement of medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices, health food approves article order form to be: Advertisement examines the abbreviation of the province of mechanism seat, municipality, municipality directly under the Central Government, add advertisement category and 10 digit word. Before 6 delegates of 10 digit word examine a particular year of approval and month, 4 delegates examine the advertisement serial number of approval after, be like: Beijing medicine wide careful (civil) wide careful of instrument of cure of the 2005010001st date, Beijing (civil) the 2005010001st date, Beijing is fed be good at wide careful (civil) the 2005060180th etc.
..The period of efficacy of date of article of approval of advertisement of medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices, health food is a year, can give advertisement to release from the judgement in approving article order whether be inside period of efficacy.
..3, at present, what does advertisement of illegal medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices, health food have to basically behave a form?
..Release advertisement without examining and approve do sth without authorization (be like: Release advertisement of the drug that approves article order without advertisement, medical devices, health food) ;
..Do sth without authorization distorts the advertisement content that examines approval undertakes issuance (whether did the ad that judgement has advertisement to approve article order distort to examine content, but basis " how to spot ad of illegal medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices, health food " try to judge, also can land Www.sfda.gov.cn to undertake inquiring) ;
..Forge, risk use or use expire date of article of invalidation advertisement approval undertakes issuance (land Www.sfda.gov.cn to examine and approve article date to undertake inquiring checking to advertisement, OK also basis " how to identify medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices and health food advertisement to approve article date and period of efficacy " undertake judging) ;
..Prohibit releasing advertising medicines and chemical reagents to release advertisement (be like: Anaesthetic medicines and chemical reagents, spirit medicines and chemical reagents, noxiousness medicines and chemical reagents and radioactivity medicines and chemical reagents) ;
..4, how to spot ad of illegal medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices, health food?
..The ad that whether there is classics food medicines and chemical reagents to supervise management department nucleus to send in should examining advertisement above all approves article order. Advertisement of lawful medicines and chemical reagents, medical devices, health food should send markers to give advertisement to examine approval article number in print.
..The following content should not contain in the advertisement via examining approval:
..The language that changes absolutely is contained in advertisement, be like: Effect a radical cure, eradicative, do not rebound, medicine is divided to disease, the diction such as the national level, most advanced science, highest technology.
..Contain in advertisement " invalid refund " , " insurance company is safe " , " avirulent side-effect " , " take 1 to disease of a few period of treatment devoid " wait for acceptance.
..The effect that benefit contains to be a product with orgnaization of unit of medical scientific research, learning, medical establishment or doctor in advertisement makes proof and affirmation, perhaps claim this product be waited to recommend the content such as the exclusive or optimal product that is health care of remedial disease, rehabilitation by some learning orgnaization, government sector, medical establishment or doctor.
..Contain in advertisement cure rate, businesslike and the content such as bear the palm.
..There is the letter of patient incoming letter, acknowledgment effect that is a product to make a proof in advertisement, after claiming to use this product, disease is reduced or the content such as heal.
..In health food advertisement, claim to be able to treat some kind of disease, can treat the content such as diabetic, tumour for example. ..Information form code: 728382754152867
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