Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ray of X of print and distribute diagnoses the product of 6 medical devices such as equipment to register a technology to examine guidance

Federal Medical Marijuana Patient Irv Rosenfeld

National provision medicines and chemical reagents supervises ray of X of management board print and distribute to diagnose the product of 6 medical devices such as equipment to register a technology to examine rudder 2009-04-28 09:00

Be supervised to strengthen what register the job to product of countrywide medical devices and coach, rise in the round register the job level and examine quality, organization of supervisory management board of national provision medicines and chemical reagents made X ray diagnose equipment (the 2nd kind) the product registers a technology to examine fixed bracket product registers a technology to examine product of rudder, tracheal spile to register a technology to examine product of catheter of rudder, one-time use asepsis to register a technology to examine rudder, stomach outside rudder, orthopaedics canal, and a few days ago print and distribute. .
About ray of X of print and distribute the product of 6 medical devices such as diagnostic equipment registers a technology to examine the announcement of rudder

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