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Core clew: Yesterday, zhengzhou evening paper " the reporter applies for a clerk to survey chain of increase of medical devices " after findings report print is sent, intense echo is caused in the public, industry and relevant section. The citizen comes in succession report expresses, of our newspaper reporter dark visited the action to reveal the inside story with tall theory of price of medical devices, mix very in time necessary, dark to our newspaper the social sense of responsibility that seeks reporter height expresses to admire and be thanked. So in last a period of time the investigation of two months is dark in visitting, dark visited a reporter to encounter what is experienced? Face theory of price of medical devices to be mixed high the heavy inside story of a plot of rake-off, course of road of what kind of heart had the reporter taken? To increase chain, dark visit a reporter to be done again what kind of think?
"Theory of price of medical devices is tall those who cause me is dark visit "
Reporter: Why to select this selection of subject? Pay close attention to medical devices finally, apply for to company of medical devices?
Dark visit a reporter: My early begins to pay close attention to the price issue of medical devices, the head of femur of displacement of a kin that is me at first, cost 60 thousand multivariate, a few friends also blame medical devices to me later, especially price of orthopaedics medical devices is very expensive. I enquire to company of medical devices, they tell me, the individual cannot buy medical devices, but price affirmation is lower than the hospital much. I realize this " one low one tall " cogency decides existence issue.
Still having a big background is this year it is to administer commerce to boodle centrally year, and domain of medical purchase and sale is Chongzhongzhi is weighed, stem from the responsibility of a reporter, I begin to make a such investigation, try to open the true account with tall theory of price of medical devices.
Reporter: What requirement does company of medical devices raise? Apply for is there difficulty?
Dark visit a reporter: Their demand is very high, beyond my imagination. They ask whether you had made this group once upon a time, if had been done, can want you to speak your place to be in charge of area the name of the name of the dean of all hospitals and chief of medical instrument division, still ask to master the financial condition of the hospital, these are not relaxed to old clerk, should not say newlywed person more, difficulty is very great.
"Their sensitive let me be exited almost "
Reporter: Begin formally to run after business, what is the first difficult problem that encounter?
Dark visit a reporter: Inchoate in a paragraph of day, because be opposite,orthopaedics appliance and operation of a few orthopaedics are not close very, often be asked a few cant simply by the doctor of the hospital, be dismissed. This year is hospital management year, so doctor, include appliance division section chief, dean, it is companies of each medical devices and manufacturer even new to any face is very sensitive.
Add the friend circle that does not have method to use at hand to have to be contacted with the orthopaedics doctors of each hospitals. In before one when doing business so many month, the chaos in the orthopaedics section office that I do not have head fly to be in each hospitals like almost bumps, but gains is very small.
Reporter: Handle so difficult unfavorable situation personally, has your midway wanted to exit?
Dark visit a reporter: Have, when beginning be thwarted, I am paid no attention to, after a month, I planned to abandon really however. Look at face of my this Zhang Xin, mix and I am fictional the company of medical devices with the ordinary fine long hair that come out, all doctors and appliance division section chief my interrogate can say nothing, boss of the name of company of because they are right almost all medical devices, company, even a few clerks understand as clear as dayly.
And run to the manufacturer of medical devices besides a thousand li when me when, it is the challenge that I consider one pile to want to be less than, they are same to leaving the know sth like the palm of one‘s hand of market of Henan orthopaedics appliance besides their a thousand li, when me informal newspaper goes out when a company wants to deal with, the employer that they can give these the company immediately connects a phone to enquire directly, they need not be used leaf through electric script for story telling, know which appliance company in Henan which area is made, the boss of which company surnames what what to call, such test lets me miss take a flight almost. But think of to numerous patient returns the double torment that bearing ailment and economy, plus the encouragement that the newspaper office leads and support, I am determined with respect to what do sturdily.
"I am astonished by close increase chain "
Reporter: How do you discover chain of increase of medical devices? Is psychology experienced at that time how?
Dark visit a reporter: Spread out step by step as business, the hospital that take, the doctor that see, the company that still has a contact is increasing, often also communicate with other clerk, plus walked along circuit to manufacturer again later, the feeling that makes me clear is in company of manufacturer of a few medical devices, appliance, hospital by or the interest forestall that appliance division, doctor forms. At that time me very astonish and indignant.
Reporter: You feel who is the core of this increase chain, who is the biggest person that be benefited? Why?
Dark visit a reporter: In the real operation that does business, my very clear sense gets not the person of know the business says trade of medical devices is industry of sudden huge profits, saying is current segment gave an issue, just brought about see a doctor expensive issue. Under the interest temptation that is in company of medical devices, our individual doctor became random proper limits for speech or action.
Reporter: Besides chain of place oneself increase, can you imagine get this kind of impact?
Dark visit a reporter: Cannot, I think is current segment gave an issue only. If do not go in, cannot discover far from possibly among them trade!
"The doctor evades the ground and my argy-bargy none "
Reporter: You market a product, what person should follow to talk commonly?
Dark visit a reporter: Because be to make orthopaedics instrument, give orthopaedics director connection above all so, send a material to him, talk about favourable condition further next, rake-off. In get through doctor after this one link, follow negotiation of hospital appliance division again, put the of all kinds certificate of the company into appliance division to put on record. After this one pace is successful, the doctor can be at ease use a product. But it is the hospital answers fund question next, must examine and approve through finance affairs and director dean. To return a money fast, still must mix their contact with.
Reporter: When you market a product, open the interest condition that give what to level be in to the doctor? Can the doctor promise to use your product directly?
Dark visit a reporter: According to the regulation of the company, I open the rake-off that those who go out is product value 35%~45% to the doctor, be in more moderate level, some companies can achieve 50%~55% to the rake-off of the hospital. The doctor won‘t promise to use your product directly commonly, unless he and clerk are very familiar.
Reporter: When character of core of bring into contact with of your first time, are they right your what manner? When refer rake-off problem, do they have why to react?
Dark visit a reporter: The person bearing of appliance division is proud. When needing you, call to you, ask you arrive quickly. See patient or alien are in, drive away you with respect to fall out. When refer rake-off problem, show when the concealed when they talk, and must do not have alien be in when just can talk, outside making an appointment with you to reach a hospital, some ground talks. Ground of have no sense of shame of survival of one part cure and clerk get price, extremely all carry the what one is particularly good at that raises sales commission.
"The nurse also divides rake-off a cup of a thick soup "
Reporter: When you and doctor discuss rake-off issue publicly, what is your heart thinking?
Dark visit a reporter: Very to astonish, mix especially unseal dean of hospital of some county people talks about rake-off, he asks actually empty invoice 40% . I am very angry, the heart thinks common people is very bitter really, see a disease want repeatedly by exploit so much.
Reporter: Do you understand the outstanding achievement of your clerk friend?
Dark visit a reporter: Other clerk has those who do very well, be in the company that has deep background especially, the clerk is very good do business. A month takes hundred thousands of money is no problem, because of the company that these having powerful connections, all hospitals, the doctor dare be not displeased commonly. Other company also not dare bright move grabs business with them.
Reporter: You promote a medical devices in the success hind, who to give sales commission? With what kind of form to give them?
Dark visit a reporter: Want to give dean and appliance section chief sales commission, still have doctor, nurse. Give the sales commission of dean and section chief, mostly the form with empty invoice. The share that drives empty under the counter gives them. Give the doctor‘s sales commission, wait for a doctor to finish after the operation, give them with the form of cash immediately. The nurse also divides a cup of a thick soup, they give the appliance of which company disinfection, the doctor uses which weapon, so the nurse also is to want must " get ready " .
Reporter: You ever succeeded and a hospital dean concluded one only business, how do you contact him? What to say with him?
Dark visit a reporter: After I and clerk of a few companies are familiar, listen to them to chat, be informed this hospital dean to want money, I one-up run to his office oneself, but he is absent, I waited for him daylong, just see him till in the evening. Introduce oneself are which company simply to him above all, the circumstance of this company that knows according to oneself next, cover his word. He believed me later, want money with me, talk about the price, invoice of final demand empty, empty leaves 40% , really acridity to extremely.
"I hope greatly most is complete behead breaks increase chain "
Reporter: In the day that makes a clerk, you everyday how are the journey and work and rest arranged?
Dark visit a reporter: Begin to go out to run 8:30 every morning, do not answer abode to wait midday outside the hospital, afternoon still is bubble looks for opportunity and doctor to chat in the hospital, cover close to, when the doctor came off work, I just can come off work.
Two months, I arrived to unseal, harbor of Luoyang, Home Zhang, be stationed in the equestrian inn, and other places that believe this world. Run not only hospital, still run manufacturer and the small mill that produce medical devices.
Reporter: Review this paragraph of life, are you experienced what is the deepest?
Dark visit a reporter: The investigation that I think to those who see is me most can get concerned sectional attention, take step, complete behead breaks this increase chain, reduce the patient‘s sufferings.
Reporter: Do you think how to do ability behead to break this increase chain?
Dark visit a reporter: Concerned branch should be made from fountainhead, multibarrel falls together, the palm controls the cost of medical devices, and accordingly normative producer price, make highest price fixing, this are very important. Cut current link next, right range of profit of demarcate of each class agency. Compress the profit space of intermediate current link, give a hospital price fixing finally. Weigh a fist to hit out only, the theory that doctor of ability keep within limits takes rake-off and price of medical devices is tall.
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