Friday, December 24, 2010

The reflection that new structure of competition of industry of medical devices brings

Medical Terms

Digital technology already made the technology of “ mainstream ” of medical devices. In recent years, the transnational corporation such as riverside of flying benefit of Xi Menzi of American GE, Germany, Holand passes ceaseless and integrated medicine video equipment medium and small businesses, build its the powerful position in industry of medical devices. The personage inside a few course of study offers a kind of view even: In digitlizing technical tide, industry of medical devices began to digitlize “ to encircle ground motion ” . Can foreknow, the digitlization technology that owns intellectual property will be the core competition ability of industry of medical devices, and this kind of competition is not simple technology is modelled on to be able to follow go up.

Progress is sought in advantage butt joint

Industry of digitlization medical devices is considered as 21 centuries to have one of sunny industries of foreground most. According to the material that Manufacturers Association of industry of sanitation of American medical treatment publishs, equipment of global digitlization medical treatment is annual sale is 60 billion dollar about, year amplitude is about 10% . The market of equipment of digitlization medical treatment of our country is not small also, according to estimation, to 2015, our country digitlizes market of medical treatment equipment to will exceed 150 billion yuan of RMBs. Permit much transnational corporation, wait like riverside of GE, Xi Menzi, flying benefit, Toshiba see market of our country medical devices ” of cake of this big “ , thick as hail. They base of a sale key, production even center of research and development gets lost China, search likely target to undertake ceaselessly annex and buy, meaning be in a China circle of ” of this “ cake occupies market of medical devices to control limits in its inside. Go up in high-end product especially, the company that has growing symptom of a trend to China ceaselessly undertakes besieging, the formation of extruding China brand.

But from will look on the other hand, digitlization “ encircled ground ” to offer development opportunity to be the industry that support with the technology. The times is digitlized in what be forerunner with advantage technology, it is resource configuration and integrated times, the company that has capital and technical advantage can undertake resource configuration and conformity, and to only the enterprise of an advantage, according to the dimensions of oneself and advantage, will have advantage resource and butt joint of big company implementation oneself, it is the best outlet that its expand. If industry of medical devices is a few mediumer professional very strong original part produces business (OEM) it is OK to supply manufacturer to more only way develops, once had the butt joint with transnational corporation, mutual parasitism, the “ in did not make an industry very likely is invisible ” champion.

Have technologies of more own intellectual property

In intellectual economy times, who has technologies of more own intellectual property, who has stronger innovation capacity, who masters active advantageous position of competition. Market competition pattern produces essential sex to change, the strategy of struggle for existence of transnational corporation also produced a change likewise, the competitive strategy that they implement now is with intellectual property the technology is forerunner, assist with photograph of powerful capital actual strength, it is main measure with share of market of race to control from in the past, turn into to acquire the market with own intellectual property and advantage technology advocate the competition that controls right is a method. Technology of own intellectual property develops the speed of speed and technical reliability, deciding an enterprise is competitive ability of the country even, the technical standard that advantage technology place forms also demonstrates competitive ability likewise.

It is in 500 strong companies of world, its core technology may not be the toppest technology, but the own intellectual property that they own this kind of technology, or its are technical standard constitutor. These tycoons crossing a state such as general and Microsoft, IBM, electric, Xi Menzi have the technology of own intellectual property of core, and a few technologies made technology of stage of international standard, regular peace. Because these companies owned own intellectual property,the technology is mixed the standard is formed in advantage technology, had powerful technical competition capacity in market competition so, also had the active right that dominates the market at the same time. Statistical data shows, 2000, the profit total of IBM company is 8.1 billion dollar, among them the license of intellectual property, make over income to be 1.7 billion dollar, 21% what hold its profit total. Accordingly, have technology of own intellectual property, advantage, can form a standard, realize it well industrialization, can bring profit for the enterprise, innovation gives social value, be prospective enterprise base oneself upon this mixing live the ” of “ a magic weapon of get the upper hand of, it is crucial force of competition. In intellectual economy times, on prospective market the enterprise sells more will be the aeriform technology product with add old watch.

Knowledge accumulates the fountainhead that is innovation

In digitlization times, any technical innovation are to build the foundation is accumulated in early days knowledge over and undertake rise to develop with innovation, knowledge accumulates the source that already became innovation of a company. Transnational corporation can the palm accuses forward position technology, main reason is these companies have a certain number of patent technologies, the knowledge that these patent technologies are a company is accumulated, it is the intangible assets that the company forms with knowledge, it is others is taken do not go, the asset that does not take secretly. The some in these patent technologies forms occupation standard, and can use the technology that forms a standard depressing competitor. A lot of transnational corporation in industry of medical devices take his seriously very much the accumulating of relevant knowledge, wait like Xi Menzi, GE using their abundant capital to buy the company that has advantage technology in world each district ceaselessly. In other words, they already contended for product market change purely to innovate independently for contention from in the past technology and have a quantity to dominate the market with advantage technology, the purpose is the medical devices that will appear as far as possible on the world relevant innovation technology brings into a banner to fall, be in with enhancing its ceaselessly the competitive advantage position of this domain.

Technical camp upgrades gradually

The competition between prospective company, upgrade to compete for commerce of the technology of national level, economy gradually, a lot of developed countries support some intellectual property dominant positions according to its, implement intellectual property strategy ceaselessly, with intellectual property technology certain technical level regards national trade as camp, hold back other country product to enter, thereby the commanding elevation that firmly holds world science and technology and economic progress. Field of share of industry of our country medical devices is competed this kind just about by transnational corporation forestall the true portraiture of the result.

Transnational corporation is in try to make oneself intellectual property covers wider, wider range, make its make the standard of technical application hard. Because, once the core technology of an enterprise makes the standard technology of others angle when, so the advantage technology that this kind of technology also becomes this company. This kind has the technology of active advantageous position via what law affirms, can make between the enterprise direct because of the difference of intellectual property bring about enlarge of development rate difference. Microsoft is one extremely typical and rich suggestive paradigmatic: Microsoft relies on the dominant position that its intellectual property and knowledge accumulate to make its product makes standard of a kind of application, make this company had the distinct absolutely advantage that surmounts a competitor, this one advantage lets Microsoft become the dominant of whole software industry and center.

Foreign big company is in the backside that sells a product is to be in promote technology of its general character and standard, the person that market of this one product is entered after making through this kind of means must be over the foundation of people standard undertake develop and applied, the price that latter place pays will be to be mixed for a long time always unending. The medical number in industry of medical devices is video with transmission technology standard (DICOM3.0) be very good paradigmatic: DICOM standard was 1985 American Institute of Radiology and basis of Manufacturers Association of American country electron the product technology standard of a few companies and the method that image and information transmit between the equipment that makes what make in different manufacturer and agreement, the course edits for many times, already made international standard now. Each national capital must this standard design develops follow equipment of digital medical treatment, medical devices of our country number uses this one standard to undertake products plan is developed almost, exchange between different equipment with respect to very difficult implementation otherwise information and transmission image. Actually, transnational corporation uses the standard that technology of this kind of advantage forms to dominate the market namely, regard its as technical camp, hold back other country with the best will in the world to produce domestic entering, the pattern that also shows the international market competes at the same time also is in producing change, the change of custom duty camp that goes up with policy shift from in the past is the technical camp of code sex method to compete.

Standard of our country medical devices builds current situation investigation

VVH-TV News -- Lyme Disease: Medical Nightmare (Part 1)

.....Standard of our country medical devices builds current situation investigation

—— perfects technical standard system around product quality problem

Complier: In recent years. Industry of our country medical devices presents the trend that gives rapid development, people also raised taller requirement to using the security of medical devices and effectiveness. However, long-term since, the product of a few medical devices pledges capacity issue is perplexing industry of our country medical devices all the time develop. Product of medical devices is in design, development, production, use wait for link to be badly in need of strict safe level. Accordingly. Build system of perfect standard of technology of medical devices very pressing. Be based on such setting. The article is on the base that to the issuance of standard of our country medical devices the current situation has analytic study. The problem that to how be being solved active standard exists offerred constructive opinion.

As the unifinication of the rapid development of industry of medical devices and global economy, product of our country medical devices is on world stage stage by stage. Standard of medical devices shows its indispensable main effect more and more. Nearly ten years, our country begins to quicken the pace that conforms with international, cite increasingly international standard. The standard circumstance that releases nearly 5 years especially achieves the fastigium that conforms with international, the meeting year after year that the standard of international medical devices that our country place attends talks increases. Adopt the interconnected system of active standard and international standard

One, make product of our country medical devices in the world competition ability increases increasingly. Had benign stimulative effect to the development of industry of our country medical devices.

Standard of our country medical devices releases a circumstance

Since from 1984 standard of the first medical devices is released, below the joint efforts of various controller and technical personnel. Standard of our country medical devices presents development the rapid, trend that updates ceaselessly. Standard measure increases. Enclothe a face to expand, satisfied country and wholesome industry basically to be opposite currently standard demand. In the meantime, standard system is complete with each passing day. Standard measure also rises in year after year, in safety of product of safeguard medical devices ground of significant aspect utmost produced effect. End in Feburary 2008. Standard of our country active medical devices adds up to 718. Standard of its China home 162, occupation standard 556. Compulsive standard 472, recommend a level 246: Add newly standard and replace updated standard every, year have increase. Up to now, replace newer standard 623, hold overall level 86. 8 % , among them nearly 6 years (2002~2008) replaces a standard 188, 30 what hold newer sum total. 2 % : Clear rectify revocatory standard 30.

Mark age circumstance: Through standard of medical devices cleared 1999 rectify special job, level of active medical devices is at present medium, mark age is the shortest for 1 year, the longest for 24 years, mark age the standard of 4 years of less than 221, 30 what hold sum total. 78 % , average bid age 8. 19 years.

Cite circumstance: In the standard that issues every year before 2000. Use, cite international standard place occupies scale to wander in inferior level all the time. Later, standard of our country medical devices is being used, cite the state that standard field presents a rapid development. End by 2005, adopting equation of our country medical devices, revise use, equivalent is used, blame equivalent uses international level 275, 39 what hold overall level. 2 % ; After using 96 years (contain 96 years) international standard 229, 83 what hold the national level sum total that uses international level. 3 % , among them 2001 ~ 2005. The national level that uses international level 159, occupy use entirely, cite 57 standard. 8 % .

The problem that standard of go ahead of the rest exists and settle strategy

One, partial level is aged, standard system still needs to be perfected further.

To healthy attention as the public degree is increased, the rapid development of industry of medical devices, raised taller requirement to standard of our country medical devices. Show level share level existence is aged problem, cannot have satisfied the requirement of the industry. The development of industry of our country medical devices was restricted on certain level. In the meantime, standard system also is existing structure, project and technical standard edit the inadequacy that waits for a respect. Need to be perfected further.

2, the standard releases existence lag sex.

Develop in information height. Product of medical devices increasingly diversity, emphasize a function changing today, seasonable sex is gifted very principal port. Long-term since, because be mixed to standard of quality of medical devices,detect technical research lack is enough take seriously. Bring about our country to exist in advanced country of respect of monitoring of safety of quality of medical devices and abroad bigger difference. If laws of some check proved recipe are very backward, the law of check proved recipe of appliance of operation of certain medical treatment still stays in on century the level of 50 time. Because examine,the method lacks scientific sex. Factitious element is right examine the impact of the result is very big.

Be aimed at afore-mentioned problems. The author puts forward to settle strategy below to the construction of system of standard of medical devices.

One, the industry characteristic that holds medical devices. Highlight product reliability.

To medical devices. Security and effectiveness are the mainest demand. How to reach mark of this two projects? The author thinks, ensuring product reliability is important way. Product of medical devices because its characteristic, requirement must can work reliably first and last, although the addition as use time, product function is reduced somewhat, still also can make sure safety is effective. Function index the product with advanced, not high reliability is no point. This shows, dependability will become the chief quality target of product of medical devices. Supervisory management board of national provision medicines and chemical reagents was released 2000 " the risk management application to medical devices " (YY / T0316-2000) . Replace T0316-2003 of standard YY / at was being released 2003, raised the initial requirement that dependability studies to domestic medical devices. Later, the national level of current requirement and occupation standard issue functions of a series of concerned medical devices and security in succession. Taller dependability requirement raised in the respect such as electric safety and biology evaluation. Of course, from at present the case of product of our country medical devices looks, in the security that still more dependability standard needs to introduce a product is designed and be being analysed.

2, the special orgnaization that builds a technology to superintend, unite administrative program.

A when quality of medical devices revitalizes very important facet is to build system of perfect standard of technology of medical devices and administrative standard system, carry out in the round seriously carry out. Build technical skill to superintend an orgnaization, undertake unity administrative planning to standard issuance, can adjust our country well frame of present standard of medical devices, and can stand in the angle that be spent higher and develops have science government to standard of medical devices. And create relevant expert group, the organization develops system of standard of medical devices transverse (domestic and international comparison) with fore-and-aft (the development of standardization and mission) investigation and study, make the standard system that is helpful for development of industry of our country medical devices, raise its mission and target.

3, raise a level but acquired character.

Current, standard of our country medical devices is to be released on the website dispersedly. The industry is not light systematization ground is obtained, this used a standard to cause very big inconvenience to the enterprise. To can raise a level but acquired character, make the standard gets the execution of older rate, answer active standard to undertake arranging pool, release to fixed website with open form is published or be being united.

4, continue to quicken internationalization pace.

The whole world coordinates a working group to knit the tough effort through several years. Wrote the basic principle with safety of medical devices and accepted function 1999 eventually. Be record in by management of quality of ISOTC210 medical devices and committee of current requirement technology in ISOTRl6142. Current, our country still includes to be in without such basic principle corresponding medical devices is general in requirement standard. Our country should take an active part in the communication of field of standardization of international of medical devices and activity. Know the development way that the medical devices on international standardizes, more ground and international conform, make product of medical devices more safe and effective. Also create better condition to enhance the competition ability of product of our country medical devices at the same time.

Medical devices sells skill

Medical Laboratory Technician

Medical devices sells skill

One, the first time visit.
The first pace, try every means makes the skill material of hospital of a few targets, for instance dimensions of hospital grade, hospital, year place of the division is ** that section office of function of northward hospital of …… of full name of director of business income range, use section office, native place weighs commonly, ** , if medical affairs is in; The ministry is ** that southern hospital weighs, like administrative department, purchase a ministry. 114 can use, the target section office that reachs a hospital steps on a dot also is very important.
2, visit formally.
Visit first should be use section office, to familiar hospital, can visit equipment division directly. Doorsill of use section office is low, the possibility of be rebuffed is little.
Notice at 2 o‘clock: Do not let equipment division know you have been to use section office; Product introduction wants wonderful and stop where it should stop, should introduce a product than babble with the client‘s communication many importantly.
3, actual combat dialog is analytic.
Dialog 1:
“ you are good, I am ** company, we are managed is ** , I introduce the product of our company to you now. ”
We do not need “ this kind of product. ”
“ is irrespective, I leave a data to consult for you, do you have calling card? ”
“ Is am sorry, I do not have calling card. ”
Can “ tell your connection the telephone call then? ”
If “ needs, I can phone you. ”
“ was disturbed, goodbye. ”
“ Is am sorry, make you white run. ”
Depressed. .
Dialog 2:
Director “* , hello, I am the *** of ** company, visit you presumably all the time, I had seen you be on China ophthalmology magazine * period the published article that treats about eye ground disease, write first-rately, want to consult a few problems to you all the time. ”
Do you have “ what thing? I am very busy now. ”
“ is such, director ** (his friend) call me to look for you, say this thing had you to approbate ability travel only. You are the expert that this domain has contribution quite, the treats eye ground disease instrument that I think to listen to you to be managed to our company very much has what view. ”
The data that “ takes your company comes I see ……”
Friend and skill.
Dialog 3:
Is excuse me Director ** in “ ? ”
“ is this. The …… in ” business
Director “* , hello, see you quite busy, my line puts the data on your desk, I wait for you to be free to say again outside. ” in corridor good head is free to come in again.
Director “* , I ask about economy of expensive section office is independent business accounting, I brought a kind of equipment now, suit your section office to use, and expensive section office uses this to cover instrument equipment meet inside half an year disinvestment, be gain later. Budgetary plan is here. ”
“ is really such, I see your budgetary plan. ”
The key is to solve a problem.
4, in later period works.
1. See a dean. Etc ah long for ah watch and hit out.
2. The price negotiates. The hospital once project approving, make a task of purchase department, the process is here medium, the dean won‘t participate in the price to negotiate too much commonly. It is so in sales compaign, want to treat purchase department seriously, walk along ” of course of “ high level only, company profit can get loss.

Chongqing medical devices obtains attestation of European Union CE to enter Europe smoothly

John Stossel - Medical Marijuana

Afterwards Chongqing sea is helped up " supersonic knife " gallop after the international market, "Chongqing is built " medical devices infiltrates successfully again European market. Yesterday, limited company of equipment of medical treatment of Chongqing day sea signs 16 million euro formally with Italian EUROLABOR company (about 160 million RMB) exit agreement, medical devices will export mark day sea formally European market.

..Lu Anzhou of day sea president discloses, medical devices enters day sea already middle east, southeast Asia and United States. This year March, day sea obtains attestation of CE of European Union product successfully again, carry license of admittance of European Union market. It is reported, this is manufacturer of our city medical devices the 2nd piece when obtain enters those who enter European Union market " passport " , june 2005, chongqing sea helps supersonic knife up to make the product of medical devices that home beats European Union market first times.

..Lu Anzhou expresses, day sea already opened up endowment 200 million multivariate, the ground is encircled in garden of industry of south bank the Yangtse River 142 mus, plan to make garden of industry of day sea medical treatment, predict to built go into operation 2009. Will introduce company of British and other places to undertake cooperative, form medical devices to make, illume of medical treatment of haemal fluoroscopy, semiconductor 3 big industries, production value of the year after next of predicting put into production will be achieved 1 billion the left and right sides.

Relevant news:

Business of about a hundred change is brisk in this industry, guo Yi of Lu Anzhou of sea of Hua Lun Wu Jilun, day, west hill army, golden hill of golden hill king already had international competition ability

Previously, our country should cost several dollars every year to import equipment of many medical treatment from abroad, home has the market of medical devices of 70%% to be divided up by the developed country about, but this one state is changing now, only a few of Chongqing large medical devices produce business, had developed a tight encirclement, export the product to the market such as Euramerican, southeast Asia.

The industry of medical devices of Chongqing starts later, but development is swift and violent. From on 70 time go to the century 90 time, industry of Chongqing medical devices from do not have have, preliminary formed an industry branch. According to statistic of guild of Chongqing medical devices, up to last year the end of the year, our city medical devices produces an enterprise to had had more than 160, formed the industry of medical devices on real significance and industry of new-style number medical treatment.

Current, active there already are about a hundred in the change business of industry of medical devices, have many having among them own intellectual property, have international competition ability. The golden hill of king of boss of golden hill science and technology that develops an intelligent capsule for instance, development movable type store can the Wu Jilun of Hua Lun medical treatment of X smooth machine, sell blood to examine the Lu Anzhou of day sea medical treatment of equipment get rich, west hill science and technology that establishs occupation standard of operation power plant.

Hua Lun Wu Jilun: Do poineering work the earliest innovation turns over

Wu Jilun, male, 72 years old, president of limited company of medical devices of Chongqing Hua Lun.

Wu Jilun is the person that industry of Chongqing medical devices does poineering work one batch the earliest. He is graduate of undergraduate course of major of the first batch of medical devices of our country, ceng Ren Chongqing is medical director of institute of medical devices of chief engineer of company of industry of medical devices of facility plant factory manager, Chongqing, Chongqing, go into business of the ability after retiring does poineering work, bear a suit external debt at first, but he holds to own innovation by right of persistence and perseverance, final development goes much gram to be heated up oneself phlogistic painful stick with one action to turn over, year sale many yuan 3000, and the CE highest attestation that took European medical devices, sell as far as to and other places of southeast Asia, Euramerican, Australia.

This year, wu Jilun develops a success again high frequency and medical machine of diagnostic X ray, realize movable type first store can Chongqing of X smooth machine is built, fill of this one new product home is blank, new product of key of the our city that be labelled. Current, hua Lun is about to build in 100 mus of of big crossing entire new product line, predict to produce per year a quantity to be able to amount to 1500.

Day sea Lu Anzhou: Circle ground does tea garden greatly strong

Lu Anzhou, 44 years old, general manager of limited company of equipment of medical treatment of Chongqing day sea.

In March 1995, raise fund in the Lu Anzhou of college teach school and friend 36 thousand yuan established institute of equipment of medical treatment of Chongqing day sea, official go into business.

The first kind of product that Lu Anzhou develops is one kind full automatic blood examines equipment, domestic manufacturer home is very few, major hospital uses entrance device. The base of gain of science and technology that studies in recumbent college, this kind of equipment that Lu Anzhou produces opens the market very quickly, only northeastern region earned 800 thousand yuan.

After 11 years, day sea medical treatment already ranked domestic blood to examine before equipment market industry 3, the product exports and other places of Egypt, Indonesian, Vietnam, United States. This year, the Lu Anzhou that does bigger more encircles the ground in south bank tea garden again 148 mus, university of preparation and British Deng Di cooperates, build western center of illume of semiconductor of the first Sino-British international, and " semiconductor lighting engineering is in of medical devices apply " this one new project, also applying for to enter 863 plans.

West hill Guo Yi army: Read go into business specializes in cure instrument

Guo Yi army, male, 41 years old, president of limited company of science and technology of Chongqing west hill.

18 years old read from native place Zhejiang, the reason that Guo Yi army left to indissoluble with Chongqing knot from now on. Arrive from undergraduate course, graduate student doctor, do poineering work to oneself again to market selling manager from the teacher when the boss, career mixes the student of Guo Yi army to be in from business experience around medical devices this industry revolve.

In May 2000, guo Yi army establishs west hill science and technology, main attack project is operation power plant, a skull getting that for instance the operation uses, electric drill. At that time, this one product relies on an entrance mostly, a machine should spend 400 thousand yuan at least - 500 thousand yuan, very costly.

Last a period of time 6 years, guo Yi army leads group research and development to give plant of power of first DK operation not only, the product sold the whole nation many 200 hospital, the price imports the 1/3 of the product only, and still get the country feeds medical inspect bureau (SFDA) accredit, establish the national occupation standard of category of product of this one medical devices, next year of this standard hopeful comes on stage.

Everybody talks fortune hero honored guest: Guo Yi of president of limited company of science and technology of Chongqing west hill army

Topic one: You most who is admired businessman?

Zhang Ruimin of presiding apparitor of sea Er group and associate group author Liu Chuanzhi.

These two people have very strong professional distinguishing feature, zhang Ruimin accomplishs Haierji from assistant manager of company of a home appliance round presiding apparitor, liu Chuanzhi does poineering work from transition of researcher of Chinese Academy of Sciences make piece associate Caesarean, their professional setting makes the rational thought of two people very strong, play sober, have global strategic eye, and they the heart is not had by look for, of one mind is dedicated at advocate course of study, this ability accomplished two entrepreneur and the fortune legend of two old homebred brands.

Topic 2: You most who is the change business of appreciation?

Yin Mingshan of boss of force sail group and Zun Zongshen of boss of Zong Shen group.

This two people are Chongqing rub help old man. Zun Zongshen although culture level is not high, but courage and insight is outstanding, very individualize, when industry development still is in muddled condition, dare enter dare go all out, make a the world. Yin Mingshan also has eye very much, be good at capturing business chance development to expand, his character charm is in Chongqing rub in the side very distinctive, he is built successfully still this year gave force sail car, laudable.

China International medical devices (Shandong) exposition

Ali G - Medical Ethics

By the whole nation government of people of city of association of wholesome property business management, Jinan, Shandong saves cure society and China International commerce to promote committee Shandong to save branch to be sponsorred jointly 2010 medical devices of the 24th China International (Shandong) exposition (autumn) and, beijing numerous benefit and the medical instrument that health science and technology develops limited company to carry a series of company international to precede attend this second exhibit meeting, the French eagle of my company between meeting exhibition period performs system of scanning of health of DDFAO whole body, korea glad points to analyzer of rich spirit pressure, holand AGEs candy base change eventually the product such as child detector is paid close attention to extensively, hospital of Shandong university Qi Lu, shandong provincial hospital each expert of large hospital and agency of medical devices are exhibited to my company look around, negotiate cooperative matters concerned.

The solution that RFID uses wholesale managing at medical devices

Rep. Ron Paul meets a medical marijuana patient--Nov. 9 2007

Work to improve the maintenance of medical devices, reduce missing state, wet benevolence company of medical treatment system is putting active RFID tag in succession in wheelchair, aerobic bottle and other on the medical devices that wants hire to give a customer.

On July 25, 2006, the medical jobber of ministry of Chinese and Western of an United States wets benevolence company of medical treatment system RFID label stickup on the medical devices that give to a lot of hire or sells a customer, through using RFID label, company and client are OK better dog the product of inventory is safeguarded regularly with what assure a product.

This company uses the active label of 915MHz in injector, appearance of portable nuclear magnetic resonance, wheelchair, aerobic bottle, decrease automatically quiver implement, go up with other medical devices. Every label has an UID identification code, with wet benevolence the electron that company of medical treatment system offers tracks software WrenTrack to undertake form a complete set is used, renTrack records the lifecycle of below each product, such families nurse the supplier of the product and user can track these products to be sent what place, at the same time OK also monitoring clean and defend the work of these products. Now, the application of RFID label is a form to piled up a system to increase additional protection, ensured medical treatment instrument can be produced according to the regulation, clean, safeguard and store.

Current, wet benevolence the user of the company is applied hold infra-red read write implement a form code label that scanning deposits the medical devices in checkpoint to go up. For example, begin an examination to be about to send toward a in patient home to be decreased automatically when a worker quiver implement when, he is used read write implement come to this scan decrease automatically quiver implement a form code that go up, read write implement feedback gives a form code information that scans the computer all round, show the result of a series of problems through WrenTrack software come. These problems include the worker‘s name, why will check this medical devices, this medical devices will carry where. If equipment is about to undertake expectant maintenance checking, employee also can be in be informed for a short while. After adding RFID label, supervisory job becomes very simple: If an employee forgets a form code on equipment of scanning medical treatment, or the information in software already by cram, when the instrument by move when, an installation is read in the RFID of checkpoint write implement can read the RFID label that takes medical treatment instrument to go up, call the police to WrenTrack system, and have on all computers that run this software show.

Wet benevolence company of medical treatment system has all give renting the droit of the medical devices of the user. So the company hopes to undertake supervisory to store and be being safeguarded of those medical devices. WrenTrack software is a software that is based on a network, can make wet benevolence company of medical treatment system dogs easily all medical devices that come from headquarters.
So far, wet benevolence company of medical treatment system is in about 50, 000 different medical devices used a form code on material, and plan be in 8 the middle of a month that did not come 100, material of 000 many medical devices deploys a form code. Ward of • of Er of company chairman Michael says, wet to at that time benevolence company of medical treatment system will be in about 25, RFID label is used on material of 000 medical devices.

WrenTrack software system needs a RFID to read write implement, this is read write implement can read inside limits of 100 meters of radius take label. Ward says: To most user, one is read write implement can offer read enoughly take range. Each are read write implement the network server join that contains IP address with, wet so benevolence company of medical treatment system can dog through the position of the user RFID is read write implement the position. Ward is offerred for the user be installed in the round and debug. WrenTrack system, form code scanner and RFID hardware can choose to be offerred by Wrenmedical, the user needs to pay only can. Wet benevolence company of medical treatment system is in charge of debugging software, install equipment, according to the user the requirement undertakes constructional. So far, wet benevolence company of medical treatment system has run WrenTrack system in about 200 places, ward says the company already installed RFID system then in a few users, but reject to make detailed introduction.

Wet benevolence company of medical treatment system believed to apply RFID technology to be able to think the company also is an user to improve asset management, ward says " since had RFID, if any medical treatment equipment without scanning left some site, we are met know for a short while. " the explanation says Ward: Will form code and RFID label are used at the same time, we just know, what is true inventory management.

As the use of RFID label, the amount of inventory is more exact, the client‘s expense also decreases subsequently. User hire or bought medical treatment equipment are average and annual, every need is cost 2, 000 dollars. And the loss of the user obtains these fee 10% to 15. Additional, because nurse company cannot seasonable from the patient over there resumptive medical devices, they must need much hire more actually than its or buy 30% to the equipment of 35% .

The harmful response of medical devices is invisible glasses resides head of a list of names posted up

Medical Massage For Hypertension

Reporter yesterday learns from bureau of city medicine inspect, in the harmful response of near future medical devices invisible glasses resides head of a list of names posted up. The expert expresses, invisible glasses belongs to medical devices, sale glasses inn should look to whether have management aptitude when buying.
According to statistic of bureau of city medicine inspect, end October, receive medical devices in all undesirable incident reports 70, involve soft cornea to contact lens among them (namely invisible glasses) have 15, rank head of a list of names posted up.
Wuhan loves Er ophthalmic hospital to inspect Xie Guisheng of smooth department head to remind, buy invisible glasses needs to ask professional oculist guidance, close check should have before check matchs, include computer optometry, check shadow optometry to wait, the first time the person that adorn undertakes checking in a week after adorning and a month. The eye cannot be rubbed with the hand after wearing, cannot bathe, one day adorns time cannot exceed 8 hours. (data sources: LOOK glasses net

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